"No one will be able to come and build something for us, unless we get started ourselves." This is the spirit of the women's savings and lending group who describe the power of collective action in
Through a series of intereviews with grantees in East Africa, this film by the Stats4SD team at Redding University unpacks some of the elements to consider when designing research within farmer res
Through a series of interviews with grantees in East Africa, this film by the Stats4SD team at Redding University explores the grantees perspectives on networking and information sharing within far
Chaat is a traditional savory snack sold in India that originated in the country's northern region and is now popular throughout South Asia and at Indian restaurants worldwide.
The third online workshop for participatory innovation development tailor-made training in Benin on the 17th December 2020. Sponsored by Nuffic Netherlands. Facilitated by Prolinnova/KIT.
PROLINNOVA (PROmoting Local INNOVAtion) is an NGO-initiated international multistakeholder platform to promote local innovation processes in ecologically oriented agriculture and NRM.
PROLINNOVA is a global learning network that promotes local innovation led by small-scale farmers in sustainable agriculture and the management of natural resources.